Oh well, after half year since Enric left Malaysia and back to his sweet home country, I finally traveled to France again after a year. Stayed in Toulouse for about 10 days, we went to Luchon and Albi, nevertheless, the Aeroscopia (the new museum in Toulouse). It was fun though. Hopefully next trip will be December or probably next year. If it happens to be next year, probably it will be more than a year to plan because he will be much more busy in his year 2 Masters, I guess.
However, we still keep in touch most of the time although it were just "Hey, how are you? How was your day? Goodnight & bisous." but we still try to have Skype moment every weekend. How I wish the Skype moment never ends.... What's better is that I wish to have this super power to tele-port myself whenever I want. How great was that? =D

Here's a photo of us, Day 2 in Toulouse having dinner with his classmates. Pleasure to meet him and glad that they're as fun as we had it back then in our Degree. Aww, I miss having fun time with my groupmates!
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